What do the stars in your horoscope have in store for you in your married life? Will you have a happy and romantic life or will there be too many disappointments? Will you be devoted to your soul mate or will you be a flirt? Based on the planetary combinations in your chart, your dasa, antardasa and the transits of Jupiter & Saturn, it is possible to analyze the nature and future of your married life. You can ask Manish ji questions related to the followign areas or any other area in your married life that is bothering you.
Timing of marriage
Love marriage or Arrange
Choice marriage
Marriage in known circle
Dowry in Marriage
Breaking of Engagement
No Marriage
Marriage with Foreigner
Marriage with Foreign land
Divorce & Its Timing
Horoscope Matching
Pre-marital Affairs
Extra Marital Affairs
Special combinations
Keeping a mistress
Ask any question related to the future of your married life. Please be as specific as possible in putting your questions as it will help Manish Ji to guide you better. Some of the sample questions that you may ask could be as below. You can also give a detailed account of your current and past situation in the box entitled comments
We are having major problems in our marriage. Do you think we will be able to solve them? then When? Or shall we have to be separated?
When will I get married? Will I have an arranged marriage or a love marriage?
We are living separately. Will he/she come back or is it better to re-marry?
Is there a second marriage in my life? Or is it better to remain like this?I am a divorcee. Will I marry again? When?